10. Garland Lee4 Lewis (Eula Purdom3 McIntire, Encebia Gertrude2 Ensor, James B.1)(2) (#10) was born Armour, Douglas Co., South Dakota 02 Aug 1911. Garland died 29 Jul 1980 Yankton, Yankton Co., South Dakota, at 68 years of age. His body was interred Jul 1980 Yankton, Yankton Co., South Dakota, Yankton Cemetery.
He married Evelyn Nadine Hewer Norfolk, Madison Co., Nebraska, 10 Mar 1935. (Evelyn Nadine Hewer is #11.) Evelyn Nadine Hewer was born Yankton, Yankton Co., South Dakota 03 Aug 1914. Evelyn Nadine Hewer was the daughter of Walter Henning and Gale Etta(?) Stocking. Evelyn Nadine Hewer died 29 Jul 1990 Tulsa, Tulsa Co., Oklahoma, at 75 years of age. Her body was interred Jul 1990 Yankton, Yankton Co., South Dakota, Yankton Cemetery. Was born Isabelle Stocking to Gale Etta Stocking. Was adopted at birth by Edward and Anna Hewer and named Evelyn Nadine Hewer. While Evelyn was a baby, Gale kept in contact by letters. I'm not sure who the father is, but World Family Tree shows Walter Henning as her father. I saw a news paper cliping that showed Gale and Walter getting married long after Evelyn was born. Obit from the Yankton Daily Press and Dakotan, July 30, 1980:
Gar L. Lewis, 68, Yankton, died Tuesday in Sacred Heart Hospital after a brief illness. His funeral will be 2 p.m. Friday in Ray Funeral Chapel with the Rev. O. F. Elbe officiating. Burial will be in Yankton Cemetery. Masonic services are scheduled 8 p.m. Friday in Ray Funeral Chapel conducted by St. Johns Lodge No. 1, A. F. & A. M., Yankton. Visitations will be Thursday afternoon and evening until 9 p.m. at Ray Funeral Chapel. He was born Aug. 2, 1911 in Armour to Ellis and Eula (McIntyre) Lewis. He was a member of St. Johns Lodge AF&AM, Yankton, Yankton Consistory, El Riad Shrine Tample, Sioux Falls, Shrine Circus, Kiwanis and Hillcrest Country Club. He grew up in Armour, graduated from high school there and entered the newspaper field. He operated a newspaper in Plankton, was involved in the sale of newspapers, worked for Norfolk Shopper, Arnolds Park newspaper and others in Iowa and Missouri. He retired and moved to Yankton in 1974. He was married to Evelyn Hewer in Norfolk, March 10, 1931. He is survived by his wife; three sons, Lee Lewis, Mt Laurel, N.J.; Kenneth Lewis, Angola, Ind., and Gary Lewis, Fremont, Ind.; four grandchildren, Jeffrey, Tammy Sue, Fremont Ind. and Gar and Susanna Lewis, Mt. Laurel, N.J., one brother, Robert Lewis, Maryland' and a sister, Marie Lewis, Portland, Ore. He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother, William.
Garlands occupation was Salesman, Printer. Garland participated in Fishing and Hunting and was a Freemason and Shriner.(0) from Lee Lewis Social Security Death index, South Dakota, listed as Gar Lewis
Garland Lee Lewis and Evelyn Nadine Hewer had the following children:
Lee Edward5 Lewis (still alive).
Kenneth John Lewis (#603) (still alive).
Gary Gar Lewis (still alive).
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